Hữu Trí Mobile : 0908.033.789
766/10 CMT8, Phường 5, Quận Tân Bình ( gần CV Lê Thị Riêng )
Unlock LG D959 G Lex T-Mobile ok | Mở Mạng G Lex D959 ok
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM16
Selected model: D959
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-D959
IMEI: 013926-00-035603-1
Android version: 4.4.2
Battery level: 20%
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Jun 24 2014
Firmware compiled time: 04:00:00
Firmware released date: Oct 31 2014
Firmware released time: 16:12:40
SW Version: M8974A-AAAANAZM-2.0.20064
IMEI: 013926-00-035603-1
SPC: 000000
Reading QCN...
Send SPC...OK
Reading Mobile Property...OK
Reading Feature Mask...OK
Reading Roaming List 0...OK
Reading NV_Numbered Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
Reading NV Items...OK
Reading EFS...OK
Reading Provisioning Items...OK
Reading QCN done!
Backup saved to "D959_013926000356031_01-11-2015_13-35-42.qcn"
Switching to Download mode...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Reading partition...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "D959_013926000356031_01-11-2015_13-48-02.SEC"
Writing security area...OK
Switching to Normal mode...
Found model D95920s at port COM16
Send SPC...OK
Writing QCN...
Writing NV_Numbered Items...OK
Writing NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
Writing NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
Writing QCN done!
Phone successfully unlocked!
To complete the operation, please make Factory Reset (Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Backup & reset" -> "Factory data reset", press "Reset phone" and "Erase everything" buttons).
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